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Recent Papers
Thinking ecologically and acting economically - DESMA is on its way to more sustainability
DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH in Achim in the north of Germany already launched a large number of measures years ago to mark the start of a new era of sustainability.
- sustainability
- recycling
- resource-saving
- direct soling
Robotergestützte Lösungen für das Verkleben von Schaft und Sohle mit amir®c
Robotik- und Automationslösungen der DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH unterstützen die Schuhindustrie durch automatisierte Arbeitsabläufe mit erhöhter Produktqualität, Effizienz, Flexibilität und Nachhaltigkeit.
- automation
- cementing
- efficiency
- flexibility
- sustainability
robot-aided solutions for cementing upper and sole with amir®c
Robotic and automation solutions by DESMA Schuhmaschinen GmbH help the footwear industry automate production processes and raise product quality, efficiency, flexibility and sustainability.
- automation
- cementing
- efficiency
- flexibility
- sustainability
Reduce – recycle – rethink: ideas for more sustainable footwear production
The issue of sustainability increasingly impacts the footwear industry. Innovative technology can be a game-changer for minimizing the carbon footprint of footwear production.
- recycling
- sustainability
- resource-saving
- automation
Footwear production of the future: smart, digital and close to the consumer
Innovative technologies, such as automation, the use of robots, digitisation and order-driven production processes, can help ease the challenges faced by the international footwear industry.
- speed2market
- design4manufacturing
Sensorüberwachter Zustand von ausfallkritischen Komponenten einer Einspritzeinheit
Neueste Erkentnisse aus dem BMBF-Verbundvorhaben „LongLife“ einem Teil der Fördermaßnahme „Ressourceneffiziente Kreislaufwirtschaft – Innovative Produktkreisläufe“ (ReziProK).
- language: german
- process reliability
- sustainability
- big data
- maintenance
Footwear production through the ages
New materials and manufacturing processes define the course of international footwear production – Globalisation and digitisation provide opportunities for both service providers and manufacturers – Sustainability becomes increasingly important
- direct soling
- sustainability
- history
Robots Don’t Have to Self-isolate
Post-pandemic footwear production:
how robots, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
and order-driven production processes can make
the industry more crisis-resistant
- robotics
- covid19
- automation